
December 27, 2021  •  1 Comment

Fences are interesting landscape features to photograph. A main attraction is the sense of perspective they often bring and the associated depth to the image. The photo on the left is typical. Taken in January 2020 at Bong Park, the dark wood receding into the distance contrasts nicely with the white snow. The mist in the distance conveys the feeling that the fence continues on forever. Often, though certainly not necessarily always, fences have quite a character with the wood being gnarled and not straight, and leaning off at various angles. All these features appear in this photo.

The photo on the right was taken about a mile down the road from where I live in SE Wisconsin. It is a favorite spot, and I have many photos of this particular fence and tree combination. In this case, the fence rises slightly as viewed from right to left, providing a slight diagonal to the image - always a desirable photographic element. This photo was taken soon after the sun rose and the lighting is a beautiful soft, golden color. In the summer this photo would be impossible to take since the fence would be hidden by 8 feet high corn stalks grown in the field in the foreground.

This is one of my favorite photos. Taken during early-Summer at Bong Park, it almost has a painterly feel to it. The wild flowers in the grass add a pleasant dimension to the photo and supplements the old fences well. These fences look good in winter too when snow is all around. Its a very simple, but elegant image.

In sharp contrast, the photo below expresses well the bleakness of winter. Again, fencing comprises the focus of the image, but this time it has a clearly
functional aspect; the horses are allowed to roam only within the confines of the fence. The simplicity of the fences serves to supplement the starkness of the scene.

Photographers are always on the lookout for patterns in nature, and fences because of the repetitive nature of their construction often provide interesting patterns.


Cheryl Conner(non-registered)
I agree that fences add interesting focal points in photos. The pictures are beautiful, I love the pic at Bong in the summertime that really does look like a painting. Thank you for sharing!
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